918Kiss Customer Service

Who Are They And How To Contact Them
918Kiss Customer Service acts as a representative for 918kiss, they are the front liners and the face of 918kiss, their actions and their attitude reflects the company image as a whole, 918kiss customer service is here to respond to customer request and provides support to customers by helping them solve any issues relating to 918KISS.
Members are free to provide feedback and suggestions about how they think they can improve the slot and we will try our best to meet our beloved member’s requirements. Today we are going to introduce Malaysia’s Top 1 Online Slots customer service 918kiss Customer Support and what makes them qualify for the title.
Why 918kiss Customer Support Is Among The Best In Malaysia?
Being the number 1 trusted online slot in Malaysia is not easy, It takes time to build trust and connection between players and 918kiss, and that is what 918kiss customer service is here for. Each of our customer care representatives are well trained for the sole purpose of serving our customer. Ensuring that each and every member/players are satisfied with their service. Below are the listed criteria that every member of the 918kiss customer service is required.
918Kiss Customer Support Includes The Following :
Strict 4 Minutes Reply Policy :
918kiss customer support is required to respond to every live chat within 4 minutes to keep members from waiting too long, our customer support are required to reply no matter the time of the day.
Cannot Hang Up If Customers / Members’ question or request is not solved :
918kiss customer support is not permitted to hang up or close the chat if the customer does not feel that their problem is solved, meaning there will be no line transfer during the call, customer support is tasked to solve your problem until the problem is no longer there. However, if the problem cannot be settled immediately our customer support will provide their names for referral and are required to follow up with clients on phone or live chat for a status updates.
Multi-Language Support :
As 918kiss grows bigger, our customer service is required to expand to serve a larger range of customers/members, which includes people outside of Malaysia. As Malaysia itself is already a multi-language country, each member of customer service will require to speak at least the 3 main language which is Chinese, English and Malay. Below is the other language we support as of the writing of this blog. Feel free to talk to us using that language.
- English
- Chinese
- Cantonese
- Hokkien
- Malay
- Thai
- Filipino
- Vietnamese
- Indonesia
24/7 Support :
918kiss support is online 24 hours a day 7 days a week, meaning you can call our support any time of the day, including public holidays. So that our customers can have their problems solved any time of the day. As 918kiss goes international, it would only be normal that our customer service is ready to serve customers from different timezones.
Multi Communication Channels :
918Kiss customer support ensures that our beloved members always have a way to reach them, therefore we have established multiple communication channels for members to reach us, take note that all of the platforms mentioned below can be reached 24/7 as per mentioned previously. Please do not hesitate to contact us on one of the platforms. You can even contact customer support right now on the live chat on the right-side corner. Remember to say HI and we will attend to you immediately.
- Telegram
- Line
- Caller
Feedback Form
In order to continuously improve our customer support will always send out feedback surveys after helping our members to solve an issue so that we know where else can we improve and to be better ready to serve our members in the future.
We in 918kiss truly believe that satisfying our members is our key to success for today and will keep moving forward to never disappoint our valued members
We understand that achieving our objectives is setting up an efficient and effective customer service unit. Setting up a great customer service unit has made 918KISS one of the biggest online casinos in Southeast Asia.